Programme of Events

This page lists upcoming events and past events, in reverse chronological order.

Upcoming GWUAN webinar on 8th March 2025 – ‘NATO not wanted in South America

Stay tuned!

European Nukes – Time To Go!

The webinar is addressing the growing NATO presence in Europe and the imposition of nuclear weapons in NATO countries.
Opening remarks: Ann Wright – Veterans for Peace, US 
  • UK: Angie Zelter – Lakenheath Alliance for Peace
  • France: Ben Cramer – an expert on environmental security
  • Germany: Angelika Clausen – IPPNW
  • Italy: Patrizia Sterpetti – WILPF Italy
  • Belgium: Naomi Zoka – Pax Christi Vlaanderen
  • Netherlands: Guido van Leemput – Vredespolitiek
  • Marta Durin –  Nuclear expert, coordinator of the Young WILPF network
  • Ulla Klotzer – Women for Peace Finland and GWUAN
  • Moderated by Kate Hudson, CND, and Pippa Bartolotti, UNAC and GWUAN
Host: CND – UK
Organisers: –  GWUAN and CND
  •  Veterans for peace – USA
  • IPB
  • UNAC
  • No to War – No to NATO Network
  • World BEYOND War
  • Mondo senza Guerre e senza Violenza
  • Lista Civica Italiana

Report back from the Eurasian Women’s Forum, BRICS Women’s Meeting & “Peace, Nature and Cooperation” Conference St Petersburg

Saturday, October 19th at 6pm CEST

Webinar organized by Global Women for Peace United Against NATO (GWPUAN) and UNAC

The Baltic and Arctic regions are militarizing, and new risks of global military confrontation, climate and environmental disasters are emerging.
Civil society in Russia and Western countries are limited in the ability to cooperate to reduce the risks of military escalation, stop climate change, radioactive contamination, and destruction of natural ecosystems.
In this hostile environmnet, there are still those committed to peace and cooperation, and many of those gathered in St Petersburg, Russia, to explore the threats and opportunities in order to establish a lasting peace.
Speakers: Oleg Bodrov (Russia), Tamara Lorincz (Canada), Ulla Klotzer (Finland), Olga Mandryka (Russia), Isabelle Casel (Germany) and Lea Launokari (Finland).
  • Welcome & Logistics for Webinar: Pippa (3 minutes)
  • Greetings: Oleg Bodrov, Russia (5 minutes)
  • Speakers:
    Tamara Lorincz, Canada (10 minutes)
  • Ulla Klotzer, Finland (10 minutes) *Also mention the declaration
  • Olga Mandryka, Russia (10 minutes)
  • Isabelle Casel, Germany (10 minutes)
  • Lea Launokari, Finland, (10 minutes)
  • Q&A 20-25 minutes
    Closing announcements & upcoming events: Pippa (2-3 minutes)
  • 30 minutes open discussion led by Tamara

International Online/Offline Conference & Round Table Discussion

September 21 – 22, 2024, Saint Petersburg, Russia

  • The Baltic and Arctic regions are militarizing, and new risks of global military confrontation, climate and environmental disasters are emerging.
  • Civil society in Russia and Western countries are limited in the ability to cooperate to reduce the risks of military escalation, stop climate change, radioactive contamination, and destruction of natural ecosystems
  • UN: 2024 is the year of promoting a culture of peace; September 21 is the International Day of Peace.


  • Public Council of the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Finland, interregional environmental movement of St. Petersburg – Leningrad Region, Russia.
  • Global Women for Peace United Against NATO– international network.
  • Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.
  • International Peace Bureau (IPB)– Geneva, Barcelona, Berlin.
  • World BEYOND War– a global anti-war organization with chapters and affiliates in about two dozen countries. It is opposed to the very institution of war and not just individual wars.


  • Regional Press Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • Boligaktionen – Activism for a World with Space for Everyone, Denmark.
  • Canadian organization Women’s Voice for Peace (VOW), Canada.
  • International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom of Canada(WILPF).
  • International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom WILPF– Norway.
  • Women for Peace, Finland.
  • Women for Peace, Sweden. 


  • Strengthening peace and sustainable development through civil diplomacy.
  • Combating climate change and protecting the environment through peacebuilding.
  • The transformation of the Baltic and Arctic regions into a nuclear-weapon-free zone of peace.
  • Uniting peacekeeping and environmental human rights organizations in the Baltic and Arctic regions to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals: 16 (peace, justice, and strong institutions) and 17 (Partnership for Sustainable Development).
  • Making the Baltic Sea region and the Arctic zones of peace between people and with nature.

Achieved results:

  • Creation of a network of interaction between the participants of the Conference and round table discussions.
  • Elaboration of a joint declaration on action to achieve the goals of the conference to be sent to the organizers of the World Peace Forum 2025:


  • Non-governmental organizations of the Baltic and Arctic regions from Russia, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Canada, USA.
  • Deputies of the regional parliaments and municipalities of the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • Environmental experts from St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast.


  • Palle BENDSEN – Friends of the Earth Denmark.
  • Oleg BODROV – Public Council of the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Finland, IPB, Russia. 
  • Reiner BRAUN – IPB, Berlin, Germany.
  • Elena KRUGLIKOVA – veteran of the environmental movement of the Arctic region, Murmansk region, Russia.
  • Nikolay KUZ’MIN – Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, Russia.
  • Lea LAUNOKARI – Women for Peace Finland, Global Women United Against NATO, Finland.
  • Tamara LORINCZ – Canadian organization Women’s Voice for Peace (VOW), Canada.
  • David SWANSON – World BEYOND War, USA.
  • Andrey TALEVLIN – Ph.D. Russian Socio-Ecological Union, Russia.
  • Ingeborg BREINES – Former Chair of IPB and UNESCO Director, Norway.
  • Isabelle CASSEL – Deutscher Friedensrat (climate issue), Germany.
  • Angelika CLAUSSEN – President of IPPNW Europe, Germany
  • Tove JENSEN – Peace Initiative in Denmark & Campaign “No to US-Bases in Denmark.
  • Martha HENNESSY – prominent American peace & nuclear disarmament promoter, USA. 
  • Mechthild KLINGENBURG-VOGEL – Kieler Friedensforum/Kiel Peace Forum, Germany.
  • Ulla KLÖTZER – Women for Peace Finland.
  • Christer LUNDGREN – Folket i Bild Association, National No to NATO Organization, Working Group Against the DCA, Sweden.
  • Heidi MEINZOLT – member of WILPF and coordinator of a women’s WG in the OSCE area, Germany.
  • Agneta NORBERG –No to Nato, Global Network Against Weapons and  Nuclear Power in Space – Sweden.
  • Mia STUBBENDORFF – Nej till NATO/No to NATO, Sweden.
  • Olli TAMMILEHTO – writer & an old-line activist in Finnish environmental & peace movements, Finland.
  • Susanne URBAN – Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Norway.

Program: the full program can be downloaded here.

Download here the full program with recording timeline
Video recording of the first day of the conference
Video recording of the second day of the conference

More information: Oleg Bodrov: phone +7 921 74 52 631 (WhatsApp, Telegram), email  and/ or Ulla Klotzer


Sunday June 16, 2024

Military tensions, resources, environment, climate, equity, cooperation, peace keeping

Program of the event: 

Moderator: Pippa Bartolotti – author and politician working with United National Anti-war Coalition and Global Women United for Peace against NATO

Opening words: Sean Conner – Executive Director of IPB

Event order:

1. US, Canada, Russia – 30 min

  • US: Bruce Gagnon, Coordinator Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space – Breaking Russia up to get at Arctic resources
  • Canada: Tamara Lorincz – Voice of Women for Peace, WILPF – The militarization of Canada’s Arctic
  • Russia: Oleg Bodrov – physicist, ecologist, board member of the International Peace Bureau, Chairman of the Public Council of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland, St. Petersburg, Russia – Victory With Weapons is Impossible in the Atomic World
  • Discussion 20 min

2. Norway, Sweden, Denmark/Greenland, Finland – 40 min

  • Norway: Ingeborg Breines – Former Chair of IPB and UNESCO Director – The militarization especially in the Norwegian Arctic, new American bases and the Arctic Council
  • Sweden: Lars Drake – Environmental economist and former adjunct professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – Natural resources in the Arctic – extraction, environment and international conflicts
  • Denmark/Greenland: Palle Bendsen – long time climate, environmental, anti-nuclear activist, involved in opposition to uranium mining plans in Southern Greenland. Engaged in the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution and the Council for International Conflict Resolution, where he in 2019 authored an analysis of the “changing Arctic” – The Arctic is Changing – AGAIN
  • Finland: Teemu Matinpuro, executive director of the Finnish Peace Committee – Finland – NATO – DCA – the Arctic
  • Discussion 30 min

Supporters of the webinar: – GWUAN (Global Women for Peace United Against NATO) – IPB (International Peace Bureau) – Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space – World BEYOND War

Stopping the Israeli War Machine: Solidarity with the people of Gaza

We discuss:

  • UNSC resolution – how can it be enforced?
  • Stopping the weapons at source – getting an arms embargo
  • Trade union action to stop the Israeli war machine
  • Feeding the people – getting the aid into Gaza
  • Building the solidarity movement internationally
Speakers are:
  • Medea Benjamin, USA, co-founder of CODEPINK & the Peace in Ukraine Coalition, ACERE* and
  • Anuradha Chenoy, India, Professor Emeritus at the Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies at the School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi.
  • Andrew Feinstein, former South African MP, author of The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade.
  • Ashok Kumar, Birkbeck University, UK

Moderation: Kate Hudson, UK, CND and Reiner Braun, Germany, IPB

Women united against NATO speak out from Latin America and Caribbean

Saturday, April 27, 11a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EDT (East Cost USA)

Women united against NATO speak out from Latin America and Caribbean with speakers from Cuba, Haiti, Mexico and Venezuela.

Organiser: Global Women for Peace United Against NATO – GWUAN

Supported by: No to war – No to Nato network – MAPA (Massachusetts Peace Action) – UNAC – Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)


Life is changing within the broad “Global South”, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean with new revitalizing political determination for inclusive societies, changing from single focused private commerce and development, geared primarily for profitability and luxury living. Newly elected presidents in Latin America are seeking equity for their societies as demonstrated in Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Honduras, Chile, Grenadines, Nicaragua, Mexico etc. Some of these nations such as Mexico have exceeded expectations and goals promised by their citizens, becoming a global model for developing land and water and public infrastructure resulting in higher employment and productivity with better benefits for the marginalized. A vital issue for Latin America and the Caribbean, discussed in the webinar tonight, is the looming threat of NATO bases and military intervention by the US and its Southern Command operation, or by expansion of another NATO country into Latin America.

NATO and US-bases in UK and the Nordic countries

Mar 23, 2024 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Organiser: Global Women for Peace United Against NATO – GWUAN

Supported by: No to war no to Nato network – MAPA (Massachusetts Peace Action – IPB – Codepink – UNAC – Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S. Section – World Beyond War


Moderator Emily Molinari/IPB
Speakers 10 minutes/each:

– Opening/5 minutes: Sean Conner, Executive Director of IPB
– Sophie Bolt/UK – vice chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) – Here you can find the speech.
– Ingeborg Breines/Norway – Former Chair of IPB and UNESCO Director – Here you can find the speech
– Tove Jensen/Denmark – board member of the Peace Initiative in Denmark, and in the Campaign “No to US-Bases in Denmark – Here you can find the speech
– Karin Utas Carlsson/Sweden – active in Women for Peace/Sweden and in the organisation Folk och Fred/People and Peace – Here you can find the speech
– Ulla Klötzer/Finland – Women for Peace, long-time activist for peace, against nuclear power, for sustainable development – Here you can find the presentation
– Oleg Bodrov/Russia – engineer-physicist, environmentalist, chairman of the Public Council of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland, St. Petersburg, Russia, IPB board member – NATO/US-bases effects on Russian foreign policy – Here you can find the speech.
– Discussion and summary (Emily and Sean/IPB)

Middle East, Cauldron of Conflict

9.03.2024 – 6.00pm London; 8.00pm Gaza; 1.00pm EST; 7.00pm Central European Time 
Since the end of the last century with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the disappearance of the Soviet Union, NATO is on the move. Its “out of area” military operation in Afghanistan in 2011, lasted for 20 years. Since 1994 the African counties Algeria, Egypt, Mauretania, Morocco and Tunisia are together with Israel and Jordan in the NATO partnership program Mediterranean Dialog (MD) NATO. Thus began a “Global NATO,” project to use the NATO military alliance beyond its own charter obligations from the South China Sea to the Caribbean Sea and on to Australia. The Middle East above all is suffering from a deathly mix of colonialism and racism. It hovers on the brink of regional war. The situation in Gaza is currently one of desperation as the population are starved whilst bombs drop and snipers shoot at food convoys. The zionist entity of Israel is breaking countless UN resolutions and is being prosecuted in the ICJ for genocide. War crimes are committed daily. This webinar aims to unpick the horrific legacy of colonialism and expose western NATO hypocrisy.
Marie Nassif (Lebanon) has a doctorate in French Language and Literature with a masters degree in Modern and Contemporary History. She is professor Emeritus at the faculty of Pedagogy of the Lebanese University and the “EgalitĂ©-Wardah Boutros pour l’action feminine” association for women’s rights within the International Democratic Women’s Federation. She is also a Member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of Lebanon and author of several books on the situation of women in Lebanon and the Arab world. Marie Nassif was former general coordinator of the Arab Left Forum and activist against imperialism and its military bases in the Mediterranean.
Marwa Osman (Beirut since last days, before that Gaza ) is a mother of three with a PhD. She is Lecturer at the Faculty of Media and Communication at Maaref University and Lecturer at the School of Arts and Sciences at the Lebanese International University. She is also a Producer/Presenter of *The MidEaStream* political show and *Exposé* social media show at Press TV, and International Affairs Advisor to the Secretary General of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance.
Aseel AlBajeh (Ramallah) completed her LL.M. in International Human Rights Law at the Irish Center for Human Rights at the National University of Ireland, Galway. In addition to her academic research, which focused on transitional justice and decolonisation in Palestine, she writes opinion articles for several media outlets.
Nazia Noory (Afghanistan)  Civil Society member, Gender Youth activist (UNWomen), Founder of Afghan Women Alliance for Peace and development (AWAPD) and member of WILPF.

Moderated by Pippa Bartolotti – UNAC & Global Women United for Peace Against NATO(GWUAN)

Fourth webinar: Global NATO and AUKUS – war policy in Southeast Asia

Presented by “No to war – no to NATO” and Global Women for Peace United Against NATO On February 13th 2024 From 15:00 CET (UTC+1) until 16:30 The webinar will focus on “Global NATO” and its influence not only on transatlantic relations, but also on the politics of Eurasia, Australia and Southeast Asia. The webinar will provide information on NATO’s current development, refute the alleged defensive character of the military alliance and illustrate its global dimension. The introductory remarks highlight this global dimension of NATO. The webinar serves to prepare the content and structure of the international protests on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO, which will be celebrated in Washington in July 2024. After the short introductory contributions, there will be an opportunity for questions, comments and discussion. Register in advance

THIRD Webinar

NATO/Militarism in Africa – Women Speak Out

Tuesday – Jan 23, 2024

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

NATO expands into Africa as US bullies the continent into more militarism.

Since the end of the last century with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the disappearance of the Soviet Union, NATO is on the move. Its “out of area” military operation in Afghanistan in 2011, lasted for 20 years. Since 1994 the African counties Algeria, Egypt, Mauretania, Morocco and Tunisia are together with Israel and Jordan in the NATO partnership program Mediterranean Dialog (MD) NATO. Thus began a “Global NATO,” project to use the NATO military alliance beyond its own charter obligations from the South China Sea to the Caribbean Sea forwarded to Australia. Africa’s long anti-colonial  history with its giant leaps forward with infrastructure and development are now being challenged by the re-entry of NATO and its ensuing military infrastructure throughout the continent.  Global Women for Peace/ United Against NATO (GWUAN) and MAPA present the first in a series of webinars on the terrible cost of militarism around the world.  Women from Africa will share their experience and concerns about these military developments in their societies, countries and the continent.

events are open to all genders, individuals and organizations worldwide

supported by

Thursday, July 6

12:45-14:00 CEST

European Parliament: the Women’s Declaration for Peace will be presented to Members of the European Parliament, followed by speeches and discussion

Friday, July 7

9.40 – 12.45 CEST

Welcome and hybrid seminar (min. 9:42- 49:11):

NATO/US threats and consequences


13.30 – 14.15 CEST

NATO headquarters (HQ)

The Women’s Declaration for Peace will be presented

13.30 – 15.30 CEST

NATO in Africa

17.30 CEST

 Protest action: Invest in Peace

*organised by Belgian peace organisations @ Albertina Square 

19.30 – 22.00 CEST:

Global NATO or Global Peace?

*Public panel discussion organized by the No to war – No to NATO Network and Belgian peace organizations

Saturday, July 8

10.00 – 12.30 CEST

NATO in the Asia Pacific

The webinar was recorded on July 1 as a part of the Pacific Peace Network series. Passcode: C^C*a34O.

13.30 – 15.30 CEST

NATO in Latin America (min. 5:08 – 1:21:45) & Greetings from Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan (min. 1:29:26 – 2:15:50) 

16.00 – 18.00 CEST

Stopping US and Canada’s Participation in NATO’s wars

18.00 – 18.30 CEST

Grande Finale: HOW TO MOVE ON – NATO SUMMIT/75 years – 2024

Committees for the following topics were set up:
  • Militarization of Schools: Cristina Roncieri/Italy, Patrizia Sterpetti/Italy, Dragana Zivancevic/Australia, Vera Zalka/Hungary,
  • Violence (NATO) against women & reclaiming UN 1325: Alessandra Mecozzi/Italy, Paola Melchiori/Italy, Ada Donno/Italy, Khadija Ryadi/Morocco
  • NATO – climate killer: Tamara Lorincz/Canada, Liisa Taskinen/Finland, Patrizia Sterpetti/Italy, Marinella Correggia/Italy
  • Relationships – Global South – non-aligned movements: Paola Melchiori/Italy, Patrizia Sterpetti/Italy, Franziska Kleiner/Germany, Claire Delstanche/Belgium, Dragana Zivancevic/Australia, Marinella Correggia/Italy + Global South women

Sunday, July 9

10.00 – 13.00 CEST

Global Women for Peace United against NATO future planning meeting 

We were also present during the second-annual 24-hour Peace Wave, an event organized by International Peace Bureau and World BEYOND War on on July 8-9, 2023. You can find more information here.

(From min. 47:46 until min. 58:17)

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