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You can download our Common Statement on No Cluster Bombs and No Depleted Uranium for the United States and United Kingdom governments here.

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Other external related sources:

Pictures from the events in Brussels

Thanks to Julie Flam (Krasnyi Collective) for these amazing pictures!

Find out more here.

Summer University in Slovenia greeting the women’s anti- NATO meeting in Brussels
At this year’s Summer University of the European Left and Transform!Europe, which was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia 6 – 9 July, there was an important panel “Peace is our victory: now and for the future, in Ukraine and everywhere“. This panel advocated a diplomatic negotiated solution regarding Ukraine, their argument was that the war in Ukraine cannot be won by anybody, neither the Putin nor Ukraine. The speakers were Giorgos Katrougalos, chairman of the left-wing group in the European Council and from Syriza, and Czech Jan Kavan, as well as Heidi Meinzolt of WILPF, Germany, who spoke in particular for resuming the fight for disarmament, once a key to peace, she said, highlighting her support for the current global women’s movement initiative against the NATO summit in Vilnius, including the use of cluster bombs and “depleted uranium “ and proposed to send a picture from the plenary with the audience waving their greetings to the meetings in Brussels. Jan Cavan is a former president of the UN General Assembly who together with other former UN Genersl Assembly presidents has adopted a Bahrain declaration on 7 March 2023 with focus on the possibility of a negotiated solution (by Inger Johansen).
Picture @European Left

Other important external events:

August 8-15, 2023

UN Decade/Reparations Tour

Southern Anti-Racism Network (SARN) is sponsoring a Tour to bring attention to the UN International Decade for People of African Descent and the call for “Recognition, Justice, Development” including Reparations.
More info here
Start: Friday, September 22, 2023 at 4:00 PM ET
End: Sunday, September 24, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET
More info here
Saturday 30th September
Sunday 8th October, 2023
For an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations to end this war.
Vienna Appeal for Peace here